Saturday, December 24, 2011

2nd Paper Revision


Ada byk sangat benda nk type atas sbb dah ngantuk sgt.. Just nk share, betapa smangatnye aku nk siapkan revision paper nie di awal pagi yg hening ini (4.25am). hehe. Smoga niatku untuk berkongsi sedikit knowledge dgn manusia sejagat tercapai melalui penulisan journal/penerbitan ilmiah. Ameen.... Smg tercatit sbg saham akhiratku dan keluarga. =)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NewVenture-PhD2: Research Proposal for Oxford University


Baiklah, sekarang ni saya dalam proses permohonan memasuki University of Oxford. IAllah,saya cuba dulu. Segala ketentuanNya kuterima dengan hati yang terbuka. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang proses application, urusan aku dipermudahkan, sungguh.

Pertama, bersyukur sangat kerana memiliki supervisor serta senior2 yang sangat suka membantu. Research proposal saya telah melepasi tiga peringkat semakan. Pertama, my mentor in English, Nazmin. Kedua, my beloved supervisor Dr Rafiq...dan yang ketiga pengarah unit bahasa inggeris utm, Dr Abidah. Alhamdulillah...byk doa yang disertakan. Semoga dimakbulkan doa-doa kami.Ameen.

Kedua, tak tahu kenapa...sejak dua menjak ni..ramai yang belanja saya makan. Allahuakbar, jauh di sudut hati...sangat-sangat bersyukur. Allah mmg maha penyayang, macam tahu2 sahaja saya sekarang nie agak 'kering'. Terima kasih Allah..

My end words, best of luck to all. Sama2 kita buat yg terbaik ya. Wassalam..

M.Eng (Biomechanics)
B.Eng (Biomedical Engineering)

 f/n: bawah ini adalah hasil terakhir proposal tersebut. ^^,

1. How your background relates to the CDT?
            My previous studies (both at the bachelor and master levels) and research experience have equipped me with biomedical engineering theories and extensive experience in bio-computational simulation and analysis. In my endeavour to be an outstanding doctorate scholar, I strongly believe that these theories and experiences need to be further strengthened and consolidated via extensive exposure to the real practical clinical world. I believe the Centre of Doctorate Training in Healthcare Innovation has the essence to transform my aspiration into reality as the centre is furnished with the facilities and environment that would enable candidates to efficiently and effectively conduct novel research. Direct and continuous interaction between biomedical engineers and clinicians are crucial to ensure the relevancy of research, thus promoting proper and direct benefits to the society.

In my point of view, the programme offered at CDT is outstanding as it covers both theoretical and clinical experience with exposure in relevant industries. These multi-disciplinary elements of teaching and training will greatly benefit students in their quest to become distinguished researchers, while simultaneously empower their marketability in industries and in the global arena as a whole.

2. Research themes

In brief, my research interest lies in the area of biomechanics and mechanobiology of human joints. The theme of my research was chosen based on not only my strong personal interest, ability, exposure and experience, but also on the direct benefits that the outcome has on the society. Joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, for example, are still a common skeletal disorder with treatments mostly concentrating on pain relief rather than the root of the cause. Whilst the disease can affect any human joint, the most common joint that has been reported in clinical literature is the wrist. Many of my published works are related to the simulation of the wrist joint and now I am very keen to further explore the pathomechanics and mechanobiology of the disease. I hope that my research could shed some light onto and improve the current treatments in the struggle against this common skeletal disorder. During my 2-year research on the wrist I realised that there were many issues still unsolved, in particular with the real biological reaction as a result of the disease as well as the outcomes from the various treatment performed. Thus, I have found that it is crucial to have sufficient and focused experimental investigations to further strengthen the understanding of the pathomechanics of the disease to enhance the possibility of having better and more effective treatments.

3. Why you wish to apply for the course?

I am impressed with the programme offered by the centre which combines the elements of clinical and industrial relevance in research. This is by far the most comprehensive approach for a doctorate student in the field of biomedical engineering. Hospital placement and industrial attachment are elements that make this programme unique and tremendously beneficial to postgraduate students. Last but not least, Oxford itself is an outstanding and renowned institution of research and higher education where I believe I can contribute and help it achieve even greater heights.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NewVenture-PhD1: Informal Interview from Imperial College, London

Alhamdulillah..pagi ni sangat2 tenang. Bersyukur sangat2 sbb dpt bangkit awal, menunaikan solat sunat tahajud, rawatib seterusnya berjemaah dlm MENDIRIKAN solat subuh. Alhamdulillah..terasa kemanisan iman dan islam.

Baiklah, berbalik kepada topik artikel ni. Semalam sekali lagi aku ditemuduga secara tidak formal. Pengalaman dua tahun lepas banyak mengajar aku untuk memberikan yang lebih baik semalam. Thank You ALLAH for such training.Aku ditemuduga oleh Professor Anthony Bull, from Department of Bioengineering, yang mana temuduga tersebut lebih kepada saling mengenali antara satu sama lain. Antara soalan yang diajukan adalah berkaitan penajaan, minat dan perancangan untuk PhD nanti dan juga pengalaman menjalankan penyelidikan.

Cakap pasal pengalaman penyelidikan, he was telling me that he really impressed with my reputation..which is 3 papers including one accepted. Allahuakbar, besarnya nikmat dan kasih sayangmu kepadaku. Alhamdulillah, penat lelah ku berbayar...syukur sangat. Baiklah, setelah berbincang...beliau mencadangkan aku menukar sedikit tajuk daripada rheumatoid arthritis kepada osteoarthritis, atas alasan it is more mechanically driven. And then i did asked him whether is it possible to apply mechanobiology approach to tackle RA problem. Then pakcik tu cakap, " I have no idea".hehehe. hmmm, ntah la ek. Then pasni dia kata buat je terus formal application. So nampak la skit 'cahaya' utk aku diterima masuk ke Imperial College.Mudah2an Allah kurniakan yg terbaik.

Perancangan selepas ini..terus siapkan proposal utk apply oxford.insyaAllah. Alhamdulillah, mendapat sokongan adik bradik mediteg bserta Dr Rafiq. Mak Abah xyah cakap la, depa selalu memberi sokongan plus concern akan aku. Sesungguhnya ak sangat2 berterimaskasih kpdMu ya Allah.

                                                      Anthony Bull 
                        Professor of Musculoskeletal Mechanics at Imperial College London


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Penghargaan yang sgt menyuntik semangat. Terima kasih my SV. Alhamdulillah

Syukur tak terhingga. Sangat diakui Allah itu memang maha Pemurah. Semalam sewaktu sesi mengalu2kan pelajar pasca ijazah baru beserta ramah mesra dgn pelajar2 senior mediteg...ade satu saat yang ak rase ak xleyh nk lupa smpi bila. Which is when our beloved supervisor asked the audience to make a du'a for me for my future phd study. Allahuakbar....tak tau kenapa..lain benor rasenye masa tu. Allah sahaja yg tahu perasaanku apabila org lain turut mendoakan aku. Terima kasih kepada semua adik beradik MEDITEG..syg korg sgt2 (rujuk kpd hadis ke14 dlm hadis 40). iAllah, aku akan berusaha sehabis baik selepas nie...untuk kejayaan bersama. Ameen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME ^^,

          Alhamdulillah.... 24 tahun sudah umurku sekarang. Selamat Hari Lahir Nazri!!!!! ^^, Ape yg bermain di fikiran aku sekarang, sejauh mane usia aku nie diberkati Sang Pencipta Maha Esa. Risau 'nanti' ditanya di 'sana' nanti aku x mampu nak jawab. Na'uzubillah.

Baiklah, di usia baruku ini...seperti biasa..akan disusuli dengan azam. Aku masih lagi yakin dgn azam walaupon ade yg menafikannya. Pada aku azam nie la tempat kita memahatkan niat kita (teringat hadis pertama dalam hadis 40). Semoga Allah melindungi niat suci hambaMu ini. Tak lain dan x bukan, cuba menjadi insan yg lebih baik...kurangkan aktiviti  x berfaedah (walaupon dlm diri nie meronta nak kannya..huhu). Azam perlu disusuli dengan strategi...dan antara strategiku adalah:
1. Tido awal...lepas isya' (Rasulullah sangat melarang umatnya berjaga selepas isya' melainkan atas beberapa urusan)
2. Bangun awal.. Ya Allah, dah lame aku x bertahajud/berqiam. Dulu last maybe waktu Ramadhan...lepastu lenyap mcm tu je (apakah amalan ramadhanku diterima walhal aku masih gagal sustain dengan amalan ini....ya Allah, peliharalah hambaMu ini..ameen.)
3. Qiammullail....terlalu byk akan kelebihan Qiam untuk aku tuliskan di sini.. Tapi apa yg penting, berdasarkan pengalaman....waktu qiam nie mmg sgtlah tenang.. tenang yang sangat tenang. Bangun tidur, amek wudhu'..tunaikan solat. Dan waktu sujud tu..cubalah sedaya upaya mengalirkan airmata.. SubhanAllah, waktu ini mmg menjadi idamanku. Allah sahaja yang tahu bertapa tenangnya ketika itu. iAllah mudah2an amalan ini dapat dikekalkan.

Banyak lagi strategi akan menyusul.. Hmmm, tp baru sahaja bermula..byk sangat cabarannya. Tapi takpe, alhamdulillah, aku masih lagi sedar dalam hakikat perjuangan, pasti ada cabaran. Perjuangan Rasulullah contoh terbaik.. Semoga ukhwah bersama sahabat terpelihara.ameen...

OK nazri, happy birthday again..n all the best ! i know u can do it! :)


Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to Calm Down - wikiHow


Salam Jumaat...

This morning i watched MHI and the host have discussed about how to manage our anger.. and one of the method is by having a deep breath for a couple of minutes. Yeahh, by the way..i have to agreee with them since at the end of the day, the way we control our breathing will affect how our brain reacts... (assignment to all reader..try to relate the calm breathing with solat ^^, )

In Islam, they are several ways to control the anger. If i'm not of the ways is take wudhu'. This is because that anger was actually caused by the Syaitan (made of fire), hence...water is a very good medium to against the flaming of 'that fire = anger'. I did try it before and as usually, it worked effectively.

Below is an article i quoted from wikihow ( Let's be a good khalifiah with a very good skill in anger management..Wassalam.

How to Calm Down - wikiHow

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Slot MOTIVATION 1: Always do our best!


Awake this morning, I felt so motivated. Still remember a motivator said that we should be thankful every time we woke up from sleep (that's what the doa' means). The greatest Allah still keep his bestowed upon us by giving the priceless time in this world, time to repent for every single sins, and time to collect the 'baggages' to be brought to the life hereafter. 

 Since i'm still relatively new in giving motivation, try to learn from one of the Below is his utmost writing. Do enjoy reading and for sure u'll get motivated. Salam..^^,

 Motivasi Pagi -2-: Sentiasa Memberi Yang Terbaik

Berikut adalah nota rancangan Motivasi Pagi yang tersiar di Radio IKIM.FM jam 7:30 pagi, Selasa 6 Julai 2010:

  1. Menyedari akan benarnya sebuah kematian di hujung perjalanan, maka marilah kita menghargai kehidupan ini.
  2. Biar pun kehidupan di dunia ini sangat pendek, namun ia menentukan kehidupan tanpa sempadan usia kita di Sana nanti. Biar pun kata sesetengah orang hidup ini sementara, namun hakikatnya kesan perbuatan kita kekal selama-lamanya.
  3. Justeru lakukanlah yang terbaik demi menghargai peluang yang ada dalam kehidupan yang singkat ini.
  4. Sebagai contoh, seorang suami teringin memakan ayam masak merah. Si isteri memasak acuh tidak acuh sedangkan bibik masak dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Tentu sahaja ayam masak merah kedua itu yang lebih menarik perhatian untuk dijamah. Ia adalah fitrah manusia yang memilih segala yang terbaik jika diberi peluang.
  5. Fitrah manusia sukakan yang terbaik
  6. Namun bolehkah kita mengharapkan yang terbaik jika tidak memberi yang terbaik? Pepatah menyebut, “what you give you get back
  7. Melakukan yang terbaik adalah semangat Islam dalam semua pekerjaan.  Acuh tidak acuh atau budaya melepaskan batok di tangga bertentangan dengan tatacara Islam dalam menilai perbuatan.
  8. Berhakkah Allah menghendaki yang terbaik daripada kita? Sudah tentu kerana Allah telah memberikan yang terbaik kepada kita.
  9. Kontraktor yang dilantik dengan bekalan alat binaan terbaik, pekerja terbaik, sudah tentu majikan menjangkakan hasil yang terbaik.
  10. لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم
Siaran ulangan bagi slot Motivasi Pagi ini ialah selepas azan Maghrib pada hari yang sama.
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