Friday, January 25, 2013

Supervisor Yang Sangat Baik ^^,

Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanya bagi ALLAH. segala puji hanya bagi ALLAH. segala puji hanya bagi ALLAH.

Saya baru sahaja selepas berjumpa dengan supervisor saya, Dr Mark Thompson. MashaALLAH...sangat tak terkata.... Despite of being bombarded by so many questions, at the end of the meeting...he was saying that he just want to make sure that I am doing fine here...feel happy, having sense of belongings by the group members. Alhamdulillah. Doakan beliau semoga pencariannya dalam bidang sains ini membawa beliau ke satu titik mempertemukan kuasa tuhan yang tiada tolok bandingnya. ALLAH MAHA BERKUASA. ALLAHukbar...ameen ya rabbal 'alameen.

I still remember one of my question to him was that, how to become a very productive person at all times (I've asked this to my dearest ex-SV Hj Dr Rafiq)....and I'm quite surprised that he said that his intention to use our research outcome always get him inspired and motivated...which thus drive him to become a very productive human-being. And being at this research centre surrounded by so many clinicians and medical dr make him aware on the needs of having such a good technology to help the patients.  MashaALLAH....saya terhantuk sikit tadi. Dalam kesibukan buat research, saya hampir lupa matlamat sebenar dalam apa yang saya buat ni.. Ya ALLAH, semoga niat kami terus terpelihara. Ameen ya rabbal'alameen.

Sekian sahaja, buat semua...walau dalam kita sibuk nie..make sure kita x lupa matlamat hidup kita. 1. HAMBA ALLAH. 2. Khaleefah ALLAH.

Doakan kami berjaya dunia akirat ya.. =D

Salam perjuangan...Wassalam

Nazri Bajuri,
DPhil Candidate,
Mechanaobiology Group,
University of Oxford

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